健康主題感冒,流感及病毒免疫配方-Life Extension, NK Cell Activator, 30 Veggie Tabs
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- Supports Healthy Natural Killer Function
- Dietary Supplement
Natural killer (NK) cells function as the body's first responders.As soon as NK cells sense a potential invasion, they are on the scene to init髮旺旺iate immune protection. Natural killer cells promote seasonal support for the body's natural defense system.
In addition, functional NK cells recognize and eliminate senescent cells that accumulate in aged tissues and create metabolic disturbances. As we age, natural killer cell activity mark-edly declineswith a concurrent weakening of normal immune functions.
For targeted seasonal protection, a formula called NK Cell Activator has been developed, which contains a modified rice bran shown to be a potent immune modulator. NK Cell Activator supports the activity of natural killer (NK) cells—crucial components of the innate immune system.
In one clinical study, scientists documented a three-fold increase of natural killer cell activity in healthy individuals within three to four weeks of receiving 500 mg daily of the rice bran compound found in NK Cell Activator.
In another double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, researchers noted that subjects taking the modified rice branfound in NK Cell Activator experienced a boost in myeloid dendritic cells—cells that act as key messengers between the innate and the adaptive immune systems.
A strategy to derive the unique functional effects of NK Cell Activator is to take one capsule daily for four months during the winter season.
Life Extension, NK Cell Activator, 30 Veggie Tabs

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